The Tesla Cybertruck Has Arrived

The Tesla Cybertruck Has Arrived

Tesla changed the automotive landscape with the launch of its Model S—so much so that we named it our Ultimate Car of the Year.


Now, Elon Musk and friends have their sights aimed square at the American pickup-truck market with the all-new electric Cybertruck. If you have any doubt about the significance of the new Cybertruck, consider Ford’s F-series trucks are a $41 billion industry and Amazon recently invested $700 million in EV truck company Rivian. Between Rivian, planned electric trucks from GM and Ford, and the boxy Bollinger B2, Tesla’s Cybertruck won’t lack for competition in the EV pickup market. For insider info, expert analysis, and in-depth coverage of every detail of Tesla’s new pickup, keep it right here with MotorTrend.

Többnyire kérdőmondatokat használok, csillagásznak, atomfizikusnak készültem, de végül újságíró lettem. Húsz éve foglalkozom energiaügyekkel. Tizenhét éve, egy programozó barátommal alapítottuk az energiainfo-t, mindazoknak, akiket nemcsak a "mi" érdekel, hanem a "hogyan" is. Hiszek benne, hogy a kételkedés, és a nyitottság visz előbbre.